2021艺术深圳参展画廊 | 索卡艺术
来源:中国美术展览馆 2021年08月05日


Soka Art


1992年,索卡艺术成立于台湾台南,现拥有北京、台北、台南索卡,是一家跨足中国经典和当代艺术作品并致力于推广亚洲当代艺术,影响力涵盖全亚洲的国际性画廊。索卡艺术是台湾第一家代理大陆当代艺术家的艺术机构;2001年北京索卡艺术中心成立,负责人萧富元先生成为台湾到大陆开设画廊第一人。2010年北京索卡搬至北京798艺术区,被全球最大的艺术奢侈品媒体集团Blouin Artinfo入选为“全球500家最佳画廊”。索卡也是第一家对二十世纪华人艺术家进行大量学术研究的艺术机构,经营重要二十世纪华人艺术家遗产作品,包含有林风眠、周碧初、戴秉心、秦宣夫等,是全世界少数有大量完整系统梳理二十世纪华人艺术史的画廊之一。

Soka Art was founded in 1992 in Tainan and now has Beijing, Taipei and Tainan branches. It has been recognized as the one of the beacon art galleries in Asia for Chinese modern and contemporary art. Soka Art is the first art institution in Taiwan to represent contemporary artists in mainland China. In 2001, Soka Art Beijing was established. The founder Hsiao Fuyuan became the very first Mainland gallery owner from Taiwan. In 2010, Soka Art Beijing moved to the 798 Art District and then was selected as the "500 Best Galleries Worldwide" by Blouin Artinfo, the largest art luxury media group worldwide. Moreover, Soka Art is the first art institution to conduct in-depth academic researches on Chinese artists in the 20th century. It sorts and manages important works of those artists, including Lin Fengmian, Yan Wenliang, Zhou Bichu, Dai Bingxin, Qin Xuanfu, etc., thus making Soka Art one of the few galleries in the world that sorts out the history of Chinese art in the 20th century systematically.

作 品 推 荐

Recommended Works





汤志义,撞击-三,大漆、铝板,200 x 150 cm,2019


张英楠,流浪,布面油画,230×180 cm,2015

赵博,星空下的芸芸众生 - 1 号,布面油画,250×180 cm,2017

周名德,也无风雨也无晴-贰,金笺纸设色,68×102 cm,2019




The 2021 Art Shenzhen will be held as scheduled in Hall 6 of Shenzhen Convention and Exhibition Center from September 9 to September 12, 2021. The exhibition will bring together 72 top galleries and professional art institutions from 28 cities in 12 countries around the world. Among these attendants, 26 galleries will be bringing brand-new artistic aesthetic experiences to the public at Art Shenzhen for the first time. 2021 Art Shenzhen is looking forward to your participation with more attendant galleries, more exhibition sections and more academic content!

聚焦2021 · 第九届艺术深圳

Focus 2021︱The Ninth Art Shenzhen



Hall No.6,Shenzhen Convention & Exhibition Center

(Fuhua 3rd Road, Futian District, Shenzhen)